Hello internet world! So today is the second to last day and I am going to do the last Gallagher Girl novel (that is before the new one comes out). So fasten your seat belts and get ready for Don't Judge A Girl By Her Cover
Characters: Again I am going to just add in the new characters who appeared in Don't Judge A Girl By Her Cover. There aren't nearly as many new characters this time
The Senator: Macey's father/man running for vice president/more concerned with his political career than with his daughter
Abby Morgan: Cammie's aunt/possibly the greatest girl spy ever/Macey's bodyguard
Preston Winters: highly impressionable running for presidents son/ Macey's secret boyfriend
Circle of Cavan: mysterious society/ targetting and kidnapping Gallagher Girls
Plot: Don't Judge A Girl By Her Cover picks up just as the new semester at the Gallagher Academy is about to begin with Cammie visiting her friend and spy classmate Macey at her father's politcal campaign stop in Boston. While in Boston, Cammie, Macey and president's son Preston Winters are almost kidnapped by a group of elite spies. In the escape, Cammie is injured and Macey is completely shaken by the experience. Now, the Gallagher Academy must prepare for a very real attempt at an attack on their school, and in order to keep their own safe the Gallagher Academy gets the best: alumni Abby Morgan. Abby is Macey's bodyguard and Cammie's aunt. However, when even Abby cannot answer the girls questions, Bex, Liz, Macey, and Cammie begin investigations of their own and in the process break the Gallagher Academy's biggest rule. Don't leave the school without permission. But when the stakes are this high, our favorite girl spies just aren't taking no for an answer and the answer they get may surprise even the sharpest reader. Along the way, Cammie encounters Blackthorne Boy Zack Goode and when he refuses to reveal his intentions to her, Cammie is not sure who she can trust as the net draws closer around her and her friends.
What I liked: This book was by far the best Gallagher Girl book yet. I loved the plot line and out of all the books, Don't Judge A Girl By Her Cover was the most realistic. It is nice to see growth in a series that could easily become very one-dimensional and predictable but as the Gallagher Girls grow so does Ally Carter's writing. The progression is logical and you see Bex, Liz, Cammie and Macey start to act like real spies and to make the decisions they believe are best. Don't Judge A Girl was the most realistic and by default, the most fun.
What I didn't like: I hate how Cammie's mom and Mr. Solomon are keeping Cammie in the dark. *SPOILERS ALERT* its her life that is at stake so why are they continuing to lie to her? She deserves to know the truth and if she is going to be a spy she can't be sheltered the way she currently is. Its kind of ridiculous because Cammie has proved herself again and again as such an amazing spy so its not like she can't handle it. I understand that its being used to create drama and suspense, but in the real world, you would tell your daughter what is going on.
Overall: I would give Don't Judge A Girl By Her Cover an 8.5 out of 10. It left you wanting more and I personally cannot wait until Only The Good Spy Young comes out in two days.
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