It's here! It's finally here! And I finished it. In about two hours. Now I know what your thinking. There is no way that I could have properly digested the book while reading so fast. Well I beg to differ. I finished Only The Good Spy Young and here is my review. Enjoy!
Characters: Again, due to the fact that this is the fourth Gallagher Girl novel, I am going to list the characters who were new to the series. For a complete list, go to my previous Gallagher Girl reviews.
Agent Edward Townsend: MI6 special agent/the new Cov Ops teacher/a possible threat to the Gallagher Academy
Mr. and Mrs. Baxter: Bex's parents/elite MI6 agents/part of Cammie's security detail
Professor Patricia Buckingham: one of the greatest agents in MI6 history/ headmistress of the Gallagher Academy while Cammie's mom is away/one of the only people who knows the true history of the Circle of Cavan
The Plot: After Cammie survived her attempted kidnapping by international terrorists her life changed completely. Now, Cammie is in London staying with her best friend Rebecca Baxter over the winter break when her life is put in danger once again. At the Tower of London, there is a massive blackout and Cov Ops teacher Joe Solomon gives Cammie a message while the rest of her security team attempts to take Mr. Solomon into custody. Why? Because Mr. Solomon is a traitor and is the man who killed her father. Well, that's what the CIA and MI6 think but Cammie, Bex, Liz, and Macey can't believe it. They won't believe it. So, the four girls embark on a mission to clear Solomon's name with the help of Zack Goode,a Blackthorne student. The problem? A mysterious MI6 agent opposes them at every turn and in order to fully understand what is going on the girls must dive deeper in the past and discover the truth about Mr. Solomon, Blackthorne, the Circle of Cavan, Cammie's father and Zack Goode.
What I liked. All I can say was finally. Finally Cammie learned the truth about Zack. Finally Cammie was given some respect and told more about the situation. And finally Cammie was able to understand about her father's death. I loved this book. I feel like Don't Judge A Girl By Her Cover and Only The Good Spy Young were the absolute best they could be. Only The Good was significantly darker than the other Gallagher Girl books but it needed to be. Cammie is growing up and she is entering a world where she is the target and that is a very dark world indeed. SPOILERS AHEAD: In a way, Only The Good Spy Young is a little like Harry Potter and The Half-Blood Prince. At the end of HP6, Harry figures out that to defeat Voldemort he has to leave school and seek the answers he needs to survive. At the end of Only The Good Spy Young, Cammie has to leave the Gallagher Academy. And she is completely right. She will never discover the answers she seeks if she is content to wait by the sidelines. She is taking her destiny in her own hands and I loved it.
What I didn't like: Alright this is getting really picky but here we go anyway. MAJOR SPOILER ALERT: When Cammie goes on a "Cov Ops mission" and accidentally gets Mr. Solomon into a trap I was a little confused. Not in a clarity sense but because Cammie and Mr. Solomon are too smart to fall for something that obvious. Now I know that Cammie would never have been able to rescue Mr. Solomon if this scene hadn't happened but really? Agent Townsend said No outside of school Cov Ops assignments and yet they decided to have one. Cammie can speak fulluent Mandarin but she didn't see that one coming? And Mr. Solomon world class spy walked right into that trap? He was worried about Cammie so I give him a free pass but I felt Cammie being unsuspicious a little out of character.
Overall: Maybe the best Gallagher Girl novel so far. I absolutely loved it. It gets a 9 out of 10 because it was more than a summer read. Carter seriously shows how much secrets can affect the lives of people who base their whole worlds around them.
Nice post keep it up!