Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Hey There!

June 22nd, 2010

Hello Blogosphere! By now you have (somehow) found your way to my blog and are currently wondering what in the world it is. Well I'm about to share my story of how Along For The Read was formed so you are in luck!

Some basic information about me. My name is Augusta, I am in high school and I am absolutely, 100% addicted to reading. If my family is looking for me around the house chances are I am curled up with some gigantic book reading until I don't have enough light to read. Then I go get my flashlight. But as much as I love to read, I really wanted to have some sort of creative outlet for all of the thoughts I have about reading. So my mom decided why not write a blog reviewing books? We had just watched Julie & Julia (great movie by the way all the actors/actresses were fantastic) and Julie wrote a blog. So in the words of Julie "I can have a blog. I have thoughts." and my thoughts will be about the books I read and what I think of them.

This might sound like your everyday review on Amazon.com but it really isn't. This is a perspective of an everyday teen, giving an honest opinion of what I think of a novel. It will also be much more in depth then your traditional review.

But anyway back to my blog. My tech savvy dad and brother helped me set up the blog itself while we worked to come up with a name. It was harder than I had expected. After almost twenty minutes and no "eureka" moment, I went up to my room to look at my books to get inspired. Then my eyes settled on the book Along For The Ride by Sarah Dessen. Just substitute ride for read and there is my blog name! Besides Sarah Dessen being one of my absolute favorite authors, the phrase itself "along for the ride" is a very famous expression and therefore something people could identify with.

So that's pretty much it for now...but tomorrow I think I am going to write my first book review. Forewarning: it might be very roundabout and crazy but hey it is my first time right.


  1. Congratulations on starting this blog Augusta! Keep posting!
